Abstract Digest #12
Abstract Digest #12
Welcome to Abstract Digest, a collection of this week’s news, inspiration, creativity and awesomeness. Let us know on Twitter if we missed out anything amazing.
Uber and Transport for London head for high court.
What the future holds for E-Commerce.
Pepsi will be taking Back To The Future 2 in stride with the release of Pepsi Perfect.
Microsoft unveils new Windows 10 devices including a rumored Surface 4 to compete with the new iPad Pro.
It’s ‘Awesome Stuff Week‘ this week on YouTube, so they’re giving you shoppable videos.
These robot smartphone figurines are on sale from 2016. They’re cute as hell.
3D-printed Adidas shoes just took a step closer to reality.
Why stop at “dislike” button? Facebook is testing different “reactions” to express multiple emotions.
Snapchat will let brands advertise on your face.
Tory conference: New GP contract for seven-day service.
Rugby World Cup brands play down commercial losses of England’s ‘lacklustre’ exit.
UK is the best place in the world to die, according to end-of-life care index.
High immigration levels prevent ‘cohesive society‘ – Cameron.
Disney Research has created an app book which brings characters on the page to life.
Addison Lee offer to collect cyclists struggling to make it home.
Lexus has made a working car out of cardboard.
Head of VW in USA calls company’s diesel cheating “possible emissions non-compliance“.
Fontself helps you create your own fonts in Photoshop.
Boyeurism: how men became the new sex objects.
What would a UK outside of the EU look like?
Everybody is suddenly copying Microsoft.
How is healthcare changing in the digital world?
The man on the street and the media. A global view of PR priorities
What can Dismaland teach brands?
Rugby World Cup 2015: Who should you support now that England have been knocked out?
Are these the 10 worst board games of all time? (Yes, yes they are)
Need a new toy for your cat? This sleek laser-pen-thing might be a shout.
Did Bakeoff save the world?
Extra Gum tells story of young couple in its latest heart-warming spot
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